Laparoscopic surgery also referred to as minimally invasive surgery describes the performance of surgical procedures in the abdomen or chest cavity with the assistance of a video camera and several thin instruments. During the surgical procedure, few small incisions of up to half an inch are made and plastic tubes called ports are placed through these incisions. The abdomen cavity or chest is inflated with gas. The camera and the instruments are then introduced through the ports which allow access to the inside of the patient. The camera transmits an image of the organs inside the abdomen onto a television monitor. The surgeon is not able to see directly into the patient without the traditional large incision. The video camera becomes a surgeon's eyes in laparoscopy surgery, since the surgeon uses the image from the video camera positioned inside the patient's body to perform the procedure. Specific surgical instruments used in a laparoscopic surgery include: forceps, scissors, dissectors, hooks, retractors and more
Advantages of laparoscopy
There are a number of advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery versus an open procedure. These include
What procedures can be done in laparoscopy?
Almost all gastrointestinal surgical procedures can be performed through laparoscopy. Commonly performed laparoscopic surgeries include surgery for
What preparation do I need to do?
As you will usually be under a general anaesthetic, your hospital should give you instructions about fasting before the operation. Depending on the reason for your operation, there may be more specific instructions. Your doctor will give you this information if necessary. You need to inform your doctor about medicines you have been on before surgery because some medicines like anticoagulants(blood thinners) may need to be stopped prior to surgery.
After a laparoscopy?
You may feel a little sore around the cuts (incisions). You may have some pain in your shoulder tip. This is caused by the gas which had been pumped inside irritating the diaphragm which has the same nerve supply as the shoulder tip. This pain soon passes off. A short period of post anesthetic care, injectable pain killers for a short period, tubes in the abdomen for a day or two after surgery form part of the postoprerative care. Most of the procedures require a short hospital stay of 2- 3 days, even less than 24 hours, while few procedures like stomach or colorectal cancer surgery might require a stay of a week's time.
Are there any possible complications from a laparoscopy?
There may be some minor bleeding or bruising around the skin incisions. Otherwise, in most cases a laparoscopy just to look inside goes without any problem. Possible problems which may occur include the following:
If you have major laparoscopic surgery, the risk of complications usually depends on what operation was performed
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